Wednesday, 10 October 2012


I was introduced to this lady last weekend. She’s very good-natured and has an easy life in pleasant surroundings with lots of equine friends and adoring human slaves who attend to her every need.

She reminded me that in the past I would have put horses very near the top of my What I Want When I am Rich list. But as I get older my tastes and ambitions have mellowed and altered somewhat. I’m sure I’ll always admire horses, but I’m not desperate to own one. What I’d really love are some little donkeys like these I spotted at Scarborough.

Horses or donkeys? Which would you choose?


Patsy said...

I'd go with donkeys too. I used to have one when I was a kid. She was called Japonica.

Linda D said...

Aaah! Perfect name for a donkey!

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