My mobile phone has stopped working. I think it died of old age. Should I send it for recycling, donate it to a museum or keep it until it becomes a highly desirable collector’s item?
And what about a replacement? I suppose I should consider getting one of those all-singing, all-dancing smart phones that practically live your life for you. But as I only want a mobile to use in case of emergencies when I’m away from home (not for checking emails, listening to music, playing games or taking photos) it seems a waste of all that technology.
When I am Rich I could buy what is advertised as the world’s most expensive phone. It’s certainly pretty – encased in rose gold and diamonds – but I wonder if the five million pound price tag includes a guarantee that it can always pick up a good signal?
I’ve got a better idea …
I’ll just make do with my landline but I’ll employ someone to answer all those annoying junk calls about changing my energy supplier, ‘free’ home improvements and claiming compensation for an accident I never had!