Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Pretty but Problematical

When I am Rich I will buy a snow machine so I’ll be able to add that magical Christmas sparkle to my garden if the real stuff fails to arrive on time.

But I’ll also buy a snowplough (a big, yellow one) so I’ll have no problem in getting out and about during our wonderful British winters!

Fortunately I’m only planning a short journey tomorrow to spend Christmas with family – but keeping fingers crossed for no more snow so I’ll be able to get back next week.

Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!

Best Wishes to Everyone for whatever celebrations you will be enjoying at this special time of year!


936000 said...

When i lived in the midwest, i used to dream of having a snow blade for the riding mower, so thanks for the smile today!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday and clear roads and bright weather for your travels!

Lillian Robinson said...

What a great idea! When I am rich, I will buy one and you can borrow it.

Merry Christmas

Daisy Debs said...

Happy Christmas from me too ! Now it is my turn to have the sneezles ! Debbie :(

Friko said...

Lovely photo, where are you?

Hope you managed to get there and back in one piece, our visitors cried off.

Happy New Year, hope you get rich! Or maybe not, being rich would mean you o longer write your blog.

Linda D said...

There and back with no problems, and the snow's all gone now.
I'm in Eastern England (Cambridgeshire fens) where there's not usually much snow. We were regularly snowed in for days, sometimes weeks, when we lived in Wales but because we were prepared for it there it wasn't so much of a problem!

Afternoon Tea Break said...

Lovely picture of snow there :-) I hope you had a great Christmas and I just wanted to wish you Happy New Year 2010 and thanks for following my blog this last year :-)

Lillian Robinson said...

Just wondering where you've been... Hope everything is OK. We miss you!

kanishk said...

What a great idea! When I am rich, I will buy one and you can borrow it.
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