Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Party time!

The buddleia (see last post) has invited all its friends round.

Bees, butterflies, moths ...

So many visitors coming and going.

They're keeping me busy trying to identify and photograph them all.

Yes, Friko, I did get your message - thank you. I am a bit worried about where the roots are going so when it's finished flowering I think it will have to be evicted. Perhaps I'll be able to sprinkle the seeds somewhere more suitable. (You've got a big garden haven't you?)


Lillian Robinson said...

Wonderful! And to think, it's just a step outside your door! When I am rich, I will have a whole garden of those...

Annie said...

Beautiful photos. I love my garden with all it's visitors too....birds, butterflies and bees. Fab.

Linda D said...

Me, too, MzzLily!

Thanks for dropping in, Wipso.

Annie said...

Thanks for dropping in on me too.

Friko said...

I'm so glad to see there are still moths, bees and butterflies. I hardly see any although I grow many plants especially for them.
My usual garden visitors have all drowned!
Yes, I have room for a buddleia on top of the several I already have. Why not sprinkle the seeds on some waste ground somewhere?

Twiglet said...

Love your photos and your "when I grow rich" philosophy! Like you, we make the best of what we have and are probably much happier than some who have far more. Sometimes its the simplest things that give the most pleasure - like the sisterly love of my little sister Wipso!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I have always known the plant as a butterfly bush. It does attract a great variety of beautiful creatures.
Your photos are beautiful, the colors of the last one are so lovely.